Rovistella wedding planner looks for the latest trends on nuptial ceremonies to organise the most exclusive weddings.

Wedding Hall Venue Wedding Planning Rovistella

Some of the most popular and loved wedding styles of countries in the West are the American and Italian weddings.

 Newlyweds italo-american wedding venue Rovistella wedding planner

The American style generally prefers a glitzy and bombastic style: a great wedding venue, explosion of decorations, a rich ceremonial program and menu, where the celebrated of the ceremony are the newlyweds and other figures such as the parents of the groom and the bride, the bridesmaids and the best man.

Friends of the bride and groom bridesmaids Rovistella wedding planner

The Italian wedding style is very similar to the American one, giving the ceremony a particular theme represented in the decorations, the wedding cake and the wedding favors.

Wedding cake white Rovistella Wedding planner

In both ceremonies, meticulous attention is given to the role of family and friends: the father of the bride, the wedding witnesses, the maids of honor and the pageboys.

Pageboy and Bridesmaids Rovistella Wedding Planning

Both kind of weddings are anticipated by bachelor and bachelorette parties, the evening party before the wedding or the Serenade song sung before the wedding day by the groom to the bride or to his partner! 

Bachelorette party Rovistella Wedding planning

Gay marriages are welcome in both cultures. The religious ceremony in the church is traditional but more and more couples are preferring a civil ceremony in the Local Council or City Hall.

Lgbt Gay couple wedding Rovistella wedding planner

Choose the Italo-american wedding style for your special day, write to and we will provide a personalised wedding planning for you and your partner!

Newly weds Wedding Planning Rovistella

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