Estate agencies increasingly need the support of interior designers / home decor advisors to make flats and houses beautiful and attractive places for sale or let in a short time.

beautiful attic room rovistella home decor

Every week a house or a flat is empty represents lost income for landlords or owners!

uninhabited house rovistella home decor

With the occurrence of the Brexit and the Covid19 pandemic, in the UK the market for Estate Agents suffered a crisis. Many properties have been sold and rented below the previous market value.

 Estate Agencies House for rent Rovistella Home decor

Recently a home staging expert bought objects from Rovistella to beautify an attic room that had not been inhabited for some time.

Empty attic room Rovistella Home decor tips Home staging

The house initially had an elegant appearance but a cold atmosphere. So, with technical tips in house restyling and with Rovistella's advice, the house came to life before the aspiring buyers arrived!

Rovistella Bazaar Home Decor Bedroom

The house was made livable: tea was ready on the kitchen table in beautiful tea cups, in the bathroom there was a selection of colorful and aromatic bath bombs, in the garden there was a number of floral home decor accessories that accentuated its essential prettiness, and in the bedroom the bed was elegantly unmade and scattered with cushions featuring cool designs.

Breakfast Floral Home Accessories Rovistella Home Decor

With an investment of less than £200 for the restyling, a property that had been empty for months, was sold!

House sold Rovistella Home decor home staging Tips

Rovistella recommends: when people visit an apartment to rent, they look for a place where they can imagine themselves living in. They need immediately to feel at home - so, help them to do this by 'dressing the set' using home staging techniques.

attic room on morning cat rovistella home decor

 Rovistella sells accessories that make any home beautiful, unique and inviting.

Black & White Cushion Home Decor Rovistella

Consult the Rovistella Collections, and for any advice on home decor write to info@rovistella.com